I run down the deck stairs, bring him in, take him to the water bowl and he pretty much just collapses on the tiles. Few choice words, Sherry and I are shaking and on the verge of tears. His eyes were slowly closing and he was breathing faster than a bat outta hell! I call the emergency vet, and to our luck, the closest office was a good 45mins-1hr away...$%@#!! We decided to give him a minute to see if he would come to, which he did, picked him up (asking him if he was trying to give me a flipping heart attack) and needless to say the raunchy smell from his mouth indicated that our lovely toad addicted dog has yet his second licking of a dang toad, but this time a little worse. I can't continue to support this dog's habits...the stress, almost a butt load in vet bills...he's going to make me go insane and broke!!!
Ok so a little scary, but a little funny at the same on a serious note....
If another toad incident with Jax wasn't enough, Shelby decides she wants some attention too! The dogs were just groomed so it was flea med time. We have been using Bio Spot (from PetSmart) for quite some time. Now let me note that until recently, Jax was only 3 1/2lbs, so we would only use a 1/2 tube on him. The tube was for puppies 15lbs and under. When we got Shelby, we would split the tube between the two of them...good to go! Well recently Jax has gained weight, up to 5lbs now and Shelby is 8 1/4lbs, so we decided to use a full tube on each. Last month, within minutes of putting the flea medicine on both dogs (as directed), they both went nuts. Rubbing their backs on the ground and furniture. It was almost kind of cute they way they were, we had actually nicked named Shelby "platy" because she looked like a platypus flattened on the ground. She would run, roll, then flatten herself. Well same thing today, except the reaction was a little worse then last time. Me being a worry wart (which paid off this time), went to good old google and searched "side affects of Bio Spot. Scared #$%@less of what I found, we immediately gave her a bath and will never use it again!!
The main active ingredient in Bio Spot is a pestiside known as PERMETHRIN. This ingredient is intended to to attack the nervous system of fleas and ticks, thus killing them. Well how in a world does an ingredient know the difference of fleas, ticks, or dogs?? Well, it doesn't, hence our poor Shelby falling to the ground and just laying there "flattened" because this (excuse my language) damn flea medicine was attacking her nervous system (in a not so severe way) when it was suppose to be helping her. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What will be next??? I have included the website below, so you can read more about it and read true stories. Please, please, please, If you care about your animals as much as we do, be very, very, very careful in what you give them. Now I don't know of a flea med that doesn't have this ingrident, apparently Advantix does and supposedly so does Frontline. So what else is left to keep our pets free of these dang pests??
Ok, bed time soon, early morning and 7 hour drive to Stone Mountain. Thanks for reading =)
I'm truly amused that your dog has a drug habit...I was hoping that the one time would be enough for him. Maybe you should get him into a program once you get to Japan or maybe even before :) Hope that all is well!!!