Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jax's drug addiction

Okay so last post before bed. This past Tuesday we were cleaning out the garage getting ready for the movers to come. It was about 9am, we had the riding mower in the front yard, a container of horrible car fluids next to it, and the two dogs on their leads. Throughout the morning I would check on the dogs, make sure they had shade and were ok. Well needless to say, I went to check on Jax and he was laid out on his side, foaming (yellow) at the mouth, and using the bathroom on himself. Can you say PANIC ATTACK!!!! First thought, I poisoned my dog and he got into the antifreeze that was in the container. I rushed him to the vet, in tears and looking like death warmed over, to have the vet open Jax's mouth, sniff (saying "yuck, I know that smell"), and start laughing. This made me angry and cry even more. The next words to come out of his mouth in between giggles was "You have a drug addict for a dog"!!! What in the world?? Come to find out my dog had a run in with a toad/frog, got one good lick, and had what the vet called "toad/frog poisoning". Apparently it's like a bad (not lethal) LSD trip for dogs, that makes them drool, foam, and be dazed for quite sometime. He gave him a shot to come off his "high" and warned me to get rid of the toads because now that Jax has had his first taste, he will continue to seek out the toad to get that same "high feeling" again!!! So needless to say, he is completely fine, scared the living heck out of me, and now has a new nickname..."crackie jaxie"!!

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