Thursday, August 27, 2009

And baby makes 3 =)

So as most of you know by now, on August 19th (Erik's 30th birthday), we found out we are going to have a little one!! What a birthday present to him huh?? We are pretty excited about it, just a little bummed we'll be in Japan and won't be able to share the wonderful times with family and friends. Guess that's where the web cams come into play. Due to traveling reasons and lovely military insurance, I haven't been able to go to the doctors to find out an actual due date or exactly how far along I am. But...if I'm calculating correctly, I'm about 4 weeks along and should be expecting our bundle of joy late April(ish). I will definitely update once I find out =) Other than that, I've been taking it easy, changing some of our plans we had (extreme roller coasters), and doing some major online browsing at baby things! Boy-o-boy this might get me into some serious shopping problems!

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