Our little man here, most of you know by now is Mr. Jax Daniels Kimmey. Weighing in at now all of 5.2 lbs, our little chunky butt has gain 2lbs since his manhood got taken away in March! He's quite the camera ham, and loves to pose for pictures!!
This young lady to our right is Miss Shelby Roo Kimmey, our 9 month old "toddler" who is in desperate need of some doggie ritalin!! She is 8.5lbs and is hell on wheels. Recently she got a hold
of a black pen and decided to "scribble" all over our furniture and then proceed to bite it in half dripping ink EVERY WHERE!!! Wasn't too happy with Miss Roo for a bit there.

With all the craziness of packing and getting ready to move...we couldn't help but have a little fun with the pups. We decided to "tape" up and try shipping our dogs to Japan ahead of time. They weren't too happy with us, granted we found it absolutely hilarious!!

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