Had a good night at the Tennessee Titan vs Cleveland Browns preseason game. Was pretty interesting walking into a sea of orange and brown with our blue and white shirts on sporting the Titans. We had fun a few showers for a couple of minutes but nothing to ruin the game. The Titans lost 23-17 but it was well worth it for a last game before we head to Japan and it will be hard to even watch them on TV. Headed to Dunkirk, NY for 2 weeks before we start winding down and getting serious again with us departing to Japan.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
And baby makes 3 =)
So as most of you know by now, on August 19th (Erik's 30th birthday), we found out we are going to have a little one!! What a birthday present to him huh?? We are pretty excited about it, just a little bummed we'll be in Japan and won't be able to share the wonderful times with family and friends. Guess that's where the web cams come into play. Due to traveling reasons and lovely military insurance, I haven't been able to go to the doctors to find out an actual due date or exactly how far along I am. But...if I'm calculating correctly, I'm about 4 weeks along and should be expecting our bundle of joy late April(ish). I will definitely update once I find out =) Other than that, I've been taking it easy, changing some of our plans we had (extreme roller coasters), and doing some major online browsing at baby things! Boy-o-boy this might get me into some serious shopping problems!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Round 2 and Flea Med Warning!!
Ok so here it is, Sunday the night before we are leaving NC and starting our 40 day 40 night traveling adventure. We've been staying at a friends house in Swansboro for the past 4 nights, and the dogs have been loving it. Just shy of an acre of yard completely fenced it. They have free roam of the backyard with her two dogs as well. Sherry, Becky, Marquees were in the pool relaxing, the 4 dogs were outside exploring the yard, while Erik and I were inside playing Guitar Hero World Tour. I decided to check on the dogs due to the heat, when I saw Sherry was hoping out the pool running after Jax because he was throwing up orange stuff, but having a hard time getting it out.
Great....now what??
I run down the deck stairs, bring him in, take him to the water bowl and he pretty much just collapses on the tiles. Few choice words, Sherry and I are shaking and on the verge of tears. His eyes were slowly closing and he was breathing faster than a bat outta hell! I call the emergency vet, and to our luck, the closest office was a good 45mins-1hr away...$%@#!! We decided to give him a minute to see if he would come to, which he did, picked him up (asking him if he was trying to give me a flipping heart attack) and needless to say the raunchy smell from his mouth indicated that our lovely toad addicted dog has yet his second licking of a dang toad, but this time a little worse. I can't continue to support this dog's habits...the stress, almost a butt load in vet bills...he's going to make me go insane and broke!!!
Ok so a little scary, but a little funny at the same time...now on a serious note....
If another toad incident with Jax wasn't enough, Shelby decides she wants some attention too! The dogs were just groomed so it was flea med time. We have been using Bio Spot (from PetSmart) for quite some time. Now let me note that until recently, Jax was only 3 1/2lbs, so we would only use a 1/2 tube on him. The tube was for puppies 15lbs and under. When we got Shelby, we would split the tube between the two of them...good to go! Well recently Jax has gained weight, up to 5lbs now and Shelby is 8 1/4lbs, so we decided to use a full tube on each. Last month, within minutes of putting the flea medicine on both dogs (as directed), they both went nuts. Rubbing their backs on the ground and furniture. It was almost kind of cute they way they were, we had actually nicked named Shelby "platy" because she looked like a platypus flattened on the ground. She would run, roll, then flatten herself. Well same thing today, except the reaction was a little worse then last time. Me being a worry wart (which paid off this time), went to good old google and searched "side affects of Bio Spot. Scared #$%@less of what I found, we immediately gave her a bath and will never use it again!!
The main active ingredient in Bio Spot is a pestiside known as PERMETHRIN. This ingredient is intended to to attack the nervous system of fleas and ticks, thus killing them. Well how in a world does an ingredient know the difference of fleas, ticks, or dogs?? Well, it doesn't, hence our poor Shelby falling to the ground and just laying there "flattened" because this (excuse my language) damn flea medicine was attacking her nervous system (in a not so severe way) when it was suppose to be helping her. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What will be next??? I have included the website below, so you can read more about it and read true stories. Please, please, please, If you care about your animals as much as we do, be very, very, very careful in what you give them. Now I don't know of a flea med that doesn't have this ingrident, apparently Advantix does and supposedly so does Frontline. So what else is left to keep our pets free of these dang pests??
Great....now what??
I run down the deck stairs, bring him in, take him to the water bowl and he pretty much just collapses on the tiles. Few choice words, Sherry and I are shaking and on the verge of tears. His eyes were slowly closing and he was breathing faster than a bat outta hell! I call the emergency vet, and to our luck, the closest office was a good 45mins-1hr away...$%@#!! We decided to give him a minute to see if he would come to, which he did, picked him up (asking him if he was trying to give me a flipping heart attack) and needless to say the raunchy smell from his mouth indicated that our lovely toad addicted dog has yet his second licking of a dang toad, but this time a little worse. I can't continue to support this dog's habits...the stress, almost a butt load in vet bills...he's going to make me go insane and broke!!!
Ok so a little scary, but a little funny at the same time...now on a serious note....
If another toad incident with Jax wasn't enough, Shelby decides she wants some attention too! The dogs were just groomed so it was flea med time. We have been using Bio Spot (from PetSmart) for quite some time. Now let me note that until recently, Jax was only 3 1/2lbs, so we would only use a 1/2 tube on him. The tube was for puppies 15lbs and under. When we got Shelby, we would split the tube between the two of them...good to go! Well recently Jax has gained weight, up to 5lbs now and Shelby is 8 1/4lbs, so we decided to use a full tube on each. Last month, within minutes of putting the flea medicine on both dogs (as directed), they both went nuts. Rubbing their backs on the ground and furniture. It was almost kind of cute they way they were, we had actually nicked named Shelby "platy" because she looked like a platypus flattened on the ground. She would run, roll, then flatten herself. Well same thing today, except the reaction was a little worse then last time. Me being a worry wart (which paid off this time), went to good old google and searched "side affects of Bio Spot. Scared #$%@less of what I found, we immediately gave her a bath and will never use it again!!
The main active ingredient in Bio Spot is a pestiside known as PERMETHRIN. This ingredient is intended to to attack the nervous system of fleas and ticks, thus killing them. Well how in a world does an ingredient know the difference of fleas, ticks, or dogs?? Well, it doesn't, hence our poor Shelby falling to the ground and just laying there "flattened" because this (excuse my language) damn flea medicine was attacking her nervous system (in a not so severe way) when it was suppose to be helping her. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What will be next??? I have included the website below, so you can read more about it and read true stories. Please, please, please, If you care about your animals as much as we do, be very, very, very careful in what you give them. Now I don't know of a flea med that doesn't have this ingrident, apparently Advantix does and supposedly so does Frontline. So what else is left to keep our pets free of these dang pests??
Ok, bed time soon, early morning and 7 hour drive to Stone Mountain. Thanks for reading =)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Jax's drug addiction
Okay so last post before bed. This past Tuesday we were cleaning out the garage getting ready for the movers to come. It was about 9am, we had the riding mower in the front yard, a container of horrible car fluids next to it, and the two dogs on their leads. Throughout the morning I would check on the dogs, make sure they had shade and were ok. Well needless to say, I went to check on Jax and he was laid out on his side, foaming (yellow) at the mouth, and using the bathroom on himself. Can you say PANIC ATTACK!!!! First thought, I poisoned my dog and he got into the antifreeze that was in the container. I rushed him to the vet, in tears and looking like death warmed over, to have the vet open Jax's mouth, sniff (saying "yuck, I know that smell"), and start laughing. This made me angry and cry even more. The next words to come out of his mouth in between giggles was "You have a drug addict for a dog"!!! What in the world?? Come to find out my dog had a run in with a toad/frog, got one good lick, and had what the vet called "toad/frog poisoning". Apparently it's like a bad (not lethal) LSD trip for dogs, that makes them drool, foam, and be dazed for quite sometime. He gave him a shot to come off his "high" and warned me to get rid of the toads because now that Jax has had his first taste, he will continue to seek out the toad to get that same "high feeling" again!!! So needless to say, he is completely fine, scared the living heck out of me, and now has a new nickname..."crackie jaxie"!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The adventures of Jax Daniels and Shelby Roo =)

Our little man here, most of you know by now is Mr. Jax Daniels Kimmey. Weighing in at now all of 5.2 lbs, our little chunky butt has gain 2lbs since his manhood got taken away in March! He's quite the camera ham, and loves to pose for pictures!!
This young lady to our right is Miss Shelby Roo Kimmey, our 9 month old "toddler" who is in desperate need of some doggie ritalin!! She is 8.5lbs and is hell on wheels. Recently she got a hold
of a black pen and decided to "scribble" all over our furniture and then proceed to bite it in half dripping ink EVERY WHERE!!! Wasn't too happy with Miss Roo for a bit there.

With all the craziness of packing and getting ready to move...we couldn't help but have a little fun with the pups. We decided to "tape" up and try shipping our dogs to Japan ahead of time. They weren't too happy with us, granted we found it absolutely hilarious!!

Friday, August 7, 2009
So it's the day after the movers have come, and the fun hasn't even begun yet! The house is empty minus computers, clothes, and dishes, and I have been sleeping on an air mattress that hates my guts and deflates at night. My back and neck are sore...and still another week of this wonderfulness until we leave NC!! Neighbors and friends have been great, helping out where needed, dogs have been troopers, and Erik and I are managing to survive through this craziness. The weekend will be full of cleaning and sorting through which clothes I'm taking with us on our 40 days and 40 nights (as Erik calls it) of traveling, a last trip to the drag strip, and probably more cleaning...lol. Our first stop when we leave next week will be ATL to see his dad, grandma and a few aunts and uncles.
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