Saturday, September 19, 2009

Coming to an end...

Well, here it is Saturday night, only 3 more full days before we board the plane for Japan. So much has happened in our 40 days of traveling, but unfortunately it's all coming to an end on a very sad note. Due to unforeseen complications with the pregnancy this past week, we have lost the baby at 8 weeks. Don't ask me what happened, what went wrong, because I am still sitting here trying to figure it all out myself...bad timing, an uncooperative body, something I could of done differently...who knows. As hard as it is, all I can do is try to remain positive, take care of myself physically and emotionally, and hope and pray for a better outcome next time when the time is right. For the time being, I've got two puppies, my wonderful husband, and a big move to keep me pretty busy. Take care and until next time...Sayonara!!

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