Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Introducing baby Kimmey =)

So we had our first appointment today and everything went great!! We have a very healthy, but very very active baby =) The doctor did a great job with talking to the baby and getting us 3 good pictures. My favorite one is the last one on's almost a dancing pose!! Although I'm not posting my weight, I'm actually down about 2lbs from the last time I was in about 3 weeks ago. I know it won't stay that way from now on, but hey it's a start right? After watching the little one in action, I now know why I've been so sick and tossing and turning all night...oh the joy!! I'll be officially 12 weeks in the morning, and have my 16 week appointment April 21st. I'll keep you posted and updated =)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sorry for the delay!!

Ok so it's been about ohhhh 5 months since I've last updated, and I promise I will try my hardest not to let it happen again!! A lot has happened in the last 5 months, here is my attempt to update you without all the little detail...

Mid November, I was offered and accepted a teaching position here on the base I live. I teach self contained 4th grade at Bechtel Elementary School. It's about a 30 second drive to get to school (lol), yes I drive to work...always have way too much to carry and yes...too lazy, or a 10 minute walk. Here at school they consider themselves the B.E.S.T (Bechtel Elementary School Team)...and now that I'm working there, I think the statement is complete!! lol, just joking =) I've got 25 kids, mostly boys, and that's all I'll say about that situation. Overall, since I started in's been quite a roller coaster. Without putting too much detail here on the internet, I will say it's probably one of the hardest things to do as teacher. You never really realize how important the first month/month and a half are until you "don't have them". That time with the kids is so critical, and sets the pace and tone for the rest of the year. I'm just praying and hoping next year will be 100% better....

The next few months were pretty busy with just school and trying to get into a routine. We didn't do too much exciting worth writing about (lol), so we'll fast forward a bit. We however had quite the Xmas eve dinner here at the house. We had about 14 people here and had a really good time. I do have pictures posted on dropshots, for those of you who aren't on facebook.

Ok, ok, ok, I've been stalling long to the good stuff. I am currently 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant and going strong. I have my first ultrasound a week from tomorrow and finally get to see the little peanut. Not to thrilled with the way they (military) do things out here. Have to wait until 10-12 weeks before my first initial appointment and ultrasound, they only do a total of 3 during the entire pregnancy, and overall have a shortage in doctors and as they say "way too many pregnant people on the island" to get us in more than that. I'll get another ultrasound at 20 weeks and find out the sex, and then apparently one more after that a little further down.

As far as how things have been going and how I've been feeling...I really can't complain. Everything I'm going through now I didn't go through the first time around. The extremely sore "boobs" (lol), and I'm talking they feel like punching bags, the lack of sleep, not being able to get comfortable at night, the lack of appetite, bathroom complications and everything else that is associated with it, morning sickness, sickness when in cars, you name it I'm going through it. I guess it's all signs of things going like I said I can't complain. Don't get me wrong...I do my share of complaining to poor hubby on a daily basis, lol. I may say I can't complain, but it's not fun going through it. I think I might of actually said to Erik last week..."I really hope I don't go through this the entire pregnancy, because it's scaring me into not wanting another =/ " I know I say that now, and it's all the heat of the moment talk, but I'm hoping everyone is right about after the 1st trimester things ease up...if's going go be a long, long, long, 29 weeks left.

Let's see what else...Last weekend I went snorkeling for the 1st time with Erik, Jim, and Carla. It was quite an experience, and showed me that I may never be able to go scuba diving. I just panic way too much, and my asthma kicks in, and now with the baby coming, I just don't know if I'll be up to leaving the baby just to go swimming with some fish (lol). Erik is definitely going to take the course and get certified, for me, I'll stick with snorkeling when I can and enjoying the view it provides. Again, pictures are posted on dropshots. Not the greatest, because we spent more time trying to get me settled and not panicking, but there are some. You would be surprise at what you can see when snorkeling. We had about a 20-30 foot drop below us and they fish were amazing =)

Other than that, and my dr's appointment next week, I'm looking forward to Spring break in about 3 weeks. I booked a weekend get away for Erik and I and this cute little cottage on a private beach. Just one cottage, back patio, fire pit, bbq grill, only ones who have access to beach...I'm loving it just thinking about it. Of course we have access to the main beach which has every water sport imaginable available. And of course because it's spring break, they have a ton of activities planned during the entire week. I'm looking forward to just get away and relax, no computers, etc...and enjoy the time while we can =)

Ok, I'm done for now, I promise to update next week with a picture of the little peanut as soon as we get back from the appointment!!